Managing state in an application this size is fairly straightforward. If we think of IdeaBox, we can remember that we created a function called deleteIdea in the App component, because App’s state held onto our list of Ideas. We passed the deleteIdea function down to our IdeasContainer component. Now, that component didn’t itself invoke that function. Instead, it passed the function to each of the IdeaCard components that it created. React Redux can boast of having a huge community of users being the authorized binding library of Redux and React.

why redux

All of its APIs are also re-exported from @reduxjs/toolkit, and configureStore does everything createStore does but with better default behavior and configurability. RTK includes utilities that help simplify many common use cases, including store setup,
creating reducers and writing immutable update logic,
and even creating entire “slices” of state at once. With it, you can handle the initial render of the app by sending the state of an app to the server along with its response to the server request. The required components are then rendered in HTML and sent to the clients.

Cases when to use Redux

Over the years, we’ve seen how people actually used Redux in practice. We’ve seen how the community wrote hundreds of add-on libraries for tasks like generating action types and creators, async logic and side effects, and data fetching. If the same state and action are passed to a reducer, the same result is always produced because reducers are pure functions.

  • Yet, you don’t always need Redux to manage the state of your application.
  • React Redux is a library that handles the interaction logic between your app components and the global store in Redux.
  • Redux Toolkit builds in our suggested best practices, simplifies most Redux tasks, prevents common mistakes, and makes it easier to write Redux applications.
  • Using Redux also means learning how it works, which again could be a waste of time if you don’t need it.
  • Even then it is worth checking out alternatives such as MobX or react-sweet-state.

Unfortunately, hot reloading React components will wipe out your existing component tree, including any state stored inside of them. Keeping the state separate from the UI tree allows the UI tree to be swapped out and reloaded with the updated components, while why redux keeping your current development state the same. It’s been used by many companies (Uber, Khan Academy, Twitter) and in many projects (Apollo, WordPress’ Calypso), successfully in production. Some developers might complain that there is a lot of overhead.

What are the advantages of using Redux with ReactJS ?

After action, returns this object, it is handled by Reducers. Reducers specify how the application’s state changes in response to actions sent to the store, depending on the action type. The store is one big JavaScript object that has tons of key-value pairs that represent the current state of the application.

Redux brings a clean and testable design to the table using a purely functional approach. Redux completes the missing piece of the React framework and is used at the core of React for most complex React projects. Note that we use the reducer function as an argument for the createStore function to define a new Redux store for our application. As we can dispatch multiple actions to the reducer, we’ll use a switch statement to handle the different actions. Imagine a pyramid structure of seven components where each component as two child components. However, situations occur where we have to share a state with a child component or a child component wants to modify the parent component’s state.

The React ecosystem is growing at a swift pace, and there are so many libraries that you can hook up with React, such as flow, redux, middlewares, mobx, etc. It’s important to render modals at the root, but keeping their states in Redux isn’t necessary. A better approach, in this case, would be to create a Portal for the modals and handle their state only where they are being toggled.

why redux

If you want to learn how Redux works internally and dive deep into the library, consider checking out Dan’s free course. It holds the application state, allows access to state, and allows state to be updated. On top of that, Redux prevents race conditions where two components simultaneously try to update the state.

why redux

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By syirajt

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